Beverly Verhage

About the author

I am a Christian, wife, mother of two wonderful ladies, a daughter, and sister. I am a personal trainer and fitness/wellness instructor. I love to study health, fitness & nutrition, but above all, I love to study the word of God. In studying God's word, I love to talk about it and share my insights about it with others. I love spending time with God, bible study, prayer time, time with family and friends, exercise and fitness, food, and healthy eating. I am a dog mom and really enjoy my walks with my German Shepherd, Ellie. I love Christian music. I love gospel music, classical, and decade music; 60, 's, 70's, and 80's The Bible is my favorite book. It is chalked full of wisdom and navigational instruction for navigating life. Jen Wilkin has become my favorite bible study author. I have read and studied many books by Beth Moore - my favorite book of hers is "The Undoing of Saint Sylvanus." John Ortberg writes in a way that really speaks to me. Persuasion is one of my favorite Jane Austen books. I have read many devotional books over the years, but "Experiencing God Day-by-Day," "Daily in Christ" by Neil Anderson, and "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers stand among my all-time favorites. I have been writing a blog for years. I also was a contributor to Memoirs of a Headcase: Held by the God of Hope as well as a monthly contributor to our church website team. I currently published the study "Grow Up: Maturity in Christ builds Real Community." For more information see

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