Looking back over past blogs, I noticed that I had written about having a sick computer and bible study which prevented me from writing here. Well this has been one of those rides that go longer than you hope.
I remember when I was a little girl and my family went to Six Flags over GA. for the 4th of July in 1976. The 200th birthday celebration of the US. We went to the final ride of the night at closing time. We all rode the "mo mo monster" which spun around as a whole ride and then each individual bucket also spun. Little did we know that the fellow controlling the ride was going to be flirting with some teen girls on the same ride. This ride went on and on and on. We all felt sick and some expressed that in manners not so decent to share here. We ended the evening with a LONG ride home from the park to north AL.

The current events have given me flash backs to that event. I have written regarding the "little flood" we had in our home. Since then, construction has been ongoing in our house. The house is a mound of dust and disorganization. Items are difficult to find and we have had numerous workers in the house daily. During the renovation and restoration, our family travelled to NC for a soccer tournament. While there, I attempted to escape the cares that we left back at home. However, on our 8 hour trip home less than an hour from home, a deer ran into the driver side of our car. While we were all safe, and we were able to limp home at 9:30 at night, the damage to the car was pretty extensive. I journeyed once again to the insurance agency to file yet another claim. I found that many body shops are VERY backed up and it would be about a month before anyone would be able to get to my car. While small, I was also dealing with issues with a DVD player in the car that has not worked properly for some time. I discovered that the warranty was just BARELY out on it. As if this were not enough for the time being, then my Internet connection stopped functioning properly. In an effort to troubleshoot it, I went from Internet provider, to router company and back. Each blaming the other and both blaming me. So here I am up and running again. I finally contacted a knowledgeable customer service person who immediately identified the issue, sent a competent technician and it was fixed in minutes. It works better than ever now. (the problem was a cable connection and a bad modem)
So here I sit today with a new tile floor in my dining room that replaced the damaged hardwoods. The basement is coming along and looks 10 times better than it did. The carpet will be installed by Friday and many things that we would not have done to this house for years is now going to be done because of the "little flood". Am I happy about the flood? NO! Can I see how some good came from it? YES!
So all this to say, although we never desire trials and difficulties in our lives, much good can come from them when in the hands of the ONE trained and ready to renovate and restore our lives.
As I had mentioned in a previous blog, I spoke in Feb at a ladies gathering. The topic was about maturing in Christ. Although since then I have been overwhelmed with "STUFF", I plan to begin hashing out the topics that I discussed. To begin with, I want to really look at the core scripture.
•1 Peter 1:22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23 For you have been born again, … through the living and enduring word of God.
•2:1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander ... 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation
Break down --
You have purified yourselves (HOW)
By obeying the truth (the proof this is happening will be because)
You have sincere love for your brothers, (YOU) love one another deeply, from the heart.
By it you may grow up in your salvation
So we are to grow up in our salvation. Some of the things to look at will be unity, being built up, getting dressed, being purified by obeying the truth in order to growing up.Other scriptures to start off with will be from Eph. 4 and 1 Cor. 1:10 .