Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Last Step on the Way Down by Adrian Rogers

Listening to Adrian Rogers’ sermon titled The Last Step on the Way Down and everything he said was profound.  Here is a summary of what he said.
No one who is immoral is fit for leadership.
We need to take a stand for that which is right and holy.
We need to live above the fog
When we sin, we sin against almighty God.  Sin doesn’t just break the law it also breaks God’s heart
Law without penalty is just advice.
Don’t sacrifice the eternal on the altar of the immediate
God will not accept excuses or alibies for our sin.  He will only accept confession.  Once we confess, then comes the cleansing tide of Calvary which sweeps across the human soul. Though your sins were as scarlet they shall be white as snow.
Make a decision to follow him, depend upon Him (he will deliver you), be devoted to Him (love God), next comes development (feed your love), then discipline (guard your company, what you watch and see and read-don’t put garbage in your mind) determination; Joshua said; “I do not know the course others would take but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”  Psalmist says my heart is fixed oh God (I will serve you)
He said the reason we continue in sin is because we do not receive God’s wrath immediately.  He said we wake up the next day without immediate consequences so we think we are getting away with it.  He then referenced this verse.
Romans 2:5
New International Version (NIV)
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
Here is my input:
That verse alone is motivation enough for anyone of us to repent of our sin.  Wrath that is stored up to be revealed later.  Let us all repent today.  Begin to walk in obedience.  It is the best way.  Yes we are free to sin, but with sin comes the high price of its consequences.
Yesterday I heard it said that conviction is determining in advance how you will behave, respond and what you believe before temptation comes.
Consequences vs. sin
Desiring to be rescued from one’s consequences or being sorry you are caught is not the same as confessing one’s sin and repenting from it.  God didn’t send his only son to the cross to die for our consequences.  Jesus died to save us and set us free from our sin.  Consequences need to be allowed to do their work on the sinner.   Do not be tempted to rescue someone from consequences.  LOVE is exercising restraint here because you know consequences can be a way to salvation.  They can be the greatest motivator for behavior modification.
Parents need to impose consequences on their children not to make the child feel beat up or demeaned.  Parents impose these consequences to help our children learn that there are consequences for wrong or dangerous behavior. 
A parents’ job is to impose loving penalties upon their children to help carve out their character.  We do this because God has entrusted us to raise up His child in His ways. (To raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6:4)  (admonition -  piece of advice that is also a warning to someone about their behavior)
We are to help them become strong in character, instill godly moral values and become good law abiding citizens.  If we are never holding them accountable to be law abiding to God’s law, man’s law and even the laws or rules of our household, how will they know how to behave when they are on their own?  It is the responsibility to our society to raise good upstanding citizens.  Why is it so many take it so lightly?  Keep in mind what Adrian Rogers said;
“Law without penalty is just advice!”

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