Friday, March 3, 2017

How Inspiring: The Martyr of Perpetua

Yes it has been a long time since I posted a blog.  I have been VERY busy, or should I say the Lord has been busy in me.  Last post was Oct. 2016.  Since then I have been studying the word, preparing for Christmas, ladies retreat at church and leading several small group bible studies.  All the while, being a wife, mom and fitness leader.  Any of you that know me, know that I take my responsibility as a citizen of the United States very seriously.  I believe it is a privilege and GREAT HONOR to be part of this nation's citizenship.  So you may also note that the election of 2016 fell in the middle of this time frame as well.  So yes it has been a while.

Today, I have been working on an online study with Lifeway, Mark, by Lisa Harper.  In her video, she mentions Perpetua, a Christian martyr in the third century.  I was so impressed by her story, I am sharing a link here  Story of Perpetua

While I will not say much more so that I do not take away from that amazing story, I was challenged by this story.

Having walked with the Lord a large portion of my life, I pondered this thought:  Do I live my faith the way she died in her faith?

So today, I am sending that question out to each of you too!  (Keep in mind, this is not for condemnation, but for revelation and inspiration:  Hopefully spurring us on to a more meaningful faith walk with our Lord)

Praying blessing on you today.

Revelation about the Book of Revelation's 7 churches

I have been reading and studying the book of Revelation for some time. It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the churches. It was revealed...

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