Friday, January 1, 2010

Being transformed into the image of Christ

Been thinking ...  AGAIN and really pondering this thing that we call Christianity.

Seems that if we are Christian, we understand that we cannot save ourselves.  We understand that we need a savior for eternal life.  YET, we seem to think that once we are saved it is up to us to conform ourselves.  We think it not only of ourselves, but we expect it of  others. 

Sad to think that the joy is in allowing God to do the work in us.  "The joy of the Lord is my strength."  It is for His glory NOT ours.

Do we not know that that there is no good thing that dwells in us. (that is in our flesh)  Do we not know that it is Christ in us, and us living in the fullness of the spirit that transforms us into His image.  That is what brings God glory.  God does not receive glory in us trying to be good for Him.   SIN is merely an indication of where we need God's help in our life.  SIN is not to condemn us for there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ.  We are still powerless over sin in and of ourselves.  Oh, there are those with a stronger will power than others.  There are those whose pride determines they will not be caught up in sin.  However, pride puffs up and God opposes the prideful.  Pride says I can and will overcome the sin in my life.  So am I saying that you should stay in your sin, by all means NO!  I am saying that sin tells us that we need to confess and ask God to forgive us.  We need to repent, which simply means "Stop it", "turn away from it".  But we need God's help to turn from our sin.  We are powerless to do it in our flesh.  ( If we are the lucky ones, we will be in this group)  However, for the strong willed among us who determine to CONFORM themselves in order to be in relationship with God, the road is harder for them.  God never asked us to clean up to be with Him.  He asked us to walk with Him daily and as a result, we would be clean.  See the difference?

Yes there are things we need to do.  Let's do what we can do.  We can worship God.  We can praise Him.  If you don't feel like it, ask God to help you and do it anyway.  Yes we need to go about doing good.  We need to think on those things which are good, pure, holy, etc.  We need to allow no unwholesome talk to proceed out of our mouths.  We are to forgive as we have been forgiven.  We are to love not only the lovely but also the unlovely, and so many other things. We need to allow God to perfect us in the image of Christ instead of trying to do it ourselvesI promise there in lies the joy and peace of Christ.  We would be a lot less frustrated.  However, as you are being about your Father's business of doing good, etc., if you find you are coming up short, ASK God for help.  These revelations come not to condemn you but to call you to go before the Father and surrender it to Him.   He helps you in your willingness and desire to change, and then you are transformed, and HE gets the glory.  Hallelujah!

Now that is freedom in Christ right there!  He loves us and has a plan for our lives.  Let's work with Him and stop opposing Him with our pride or self loathing.  Let's determine today that we are going to stop trying to be good for God, and allow Him to make us truly good, truly Christ to a lost world.  Can I get any amens out there on this?

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