test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Psalm 139:23-34
I love this verse. I saw it posted this morning on Facebook by a friend of mine. It reminded me how I need to pray this to God frequently. Many years ago, I was doing a bible study by Beth Moore and that was one of the verses she talked about and I frequently have prayed this verse in prayer. I cannot tell you the full fruit that has come from me doing so.
As I have asked God to search me, He already does but I give Him a welcome invitation. As He does so and begins to give me conviction and revelation about myself, I then ask Him to forgive me and equip me to walk free of those things that offend Him. He does so predominately by filling me with the holy spirit. As the Holy Spirit becomes more full in me the less offensive I am to God.
So my challenge today is to ask God to search me, to know my heart. To test me and know my thoughts that are troubling me. To point out the things in me that offend Him and to be led in a right life that pleases Him by the Spirit.
Hope you will join me.
Be blessed today.
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