God doesn't make us think like Jesus. It is my responsibility to take all of my thoughts and make them obey (or line up with) Christ and what He says in the Word of God.

Jesus displayed in the Word a well laid out road map for life. So if we study the Word of God and put it into action through our obeying the word (thoughts and actions); we will abide with Christ (Remain in Christ). We walk in the word or walk out the word. We will do the will of God and not abide in our own fleshly desires, sin, and nature. We will be free. This will bring us peace with God!
We must be in the word to do this. We also need to be studying the word so we will know the Father. We need to know who He is, what He says He can do and what His will is.
When you have walked with God for a time, you find that the true evil that is overcome, is the evil within yourself. The kingdom of God comes not through this world, but it comes within us, as we surrender to our heavenly Father. Praise God! I am ready to be set free from this body of sin and death. (check out Romans chapter 7 and hear Paul's similar cry)
We cannot do the following list below in our own strength (or if we can, it is only temporary) We my allow God to do His work of Jesus Christ in us by surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit within us and by being in His word for guidance in obedience and surrender. So we will recognize the Holy Spirit's leading and be able to test it. The Holy Spirit will not lead you to act contrary to God's Word.
- Walk in the light.
- Love one another
- Think Jesus' thoughts
- Treat others as Jesus did
- Embrace Jesus' desires
- Depend on Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Some of my thoughts are prompted by Oswald Chambers.
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