Thursday, November 20, 2014

Preparing for Flight

When we originally give birth to our children, we desire they be healthy.  Some may want the child to grow up and be an athlete, intelligent, very social, or outgoing.  But when it comes down to it, don't we want our children to learn from our mistakes, or lessons learned in life and our wisdom.  We want them to have a great life regardless of what they chose to do with their time.

I have been pondering these points as we are anticipating our oldest daughter heading to college in the fall of next year.  We are in the middle of looking at possible colleges, filling out applications for admission and scholarships.  Looking at what the universities offer in line with her pursuits.  So as this task is ever before us, I can't help but contemplate all that I would like for her to carry with her.

I think of the packing that will need to be done, but I am not talking about the physical packing.  I am referring to the "Lessons in life".  When we will no longer be there with her to navigate the storms and temptations that will come her way, I ponder all that I wished I had shared.  Did I tell her to...  when... happens.   Boy that luggage is overstuffed.

There was a realization that occurred to me that even though I will not be there, she will not be alone. There is one MUCH greater than me that will never leave her nor forsake her.  He is the one that loves her SO MUCH more than I can.  He hired me to prepare her for such a time as this, and now He is preparing her to fly from the nest.  I can pack the bag for her to take with her, but it will be up to her and the Holy Spirit to unpack it (or not).  Just like every single trip I ever take, I always over pack and take more than I need.  Perhaps, she will not need half of the "lessons learned" and the wisdom that I think she will need.  And perhaps, since she will have the Greater One with her, maybe she will not need as much in the luggage, because she will be able to get the stuff locally and that way it will be fresher and much more relevant to her.

So all in all, I need to worry less, trust more and sit back and watch my heavenly Father mold my daughter into the most beautiful masterpiece as I release this darling into His care.

My desire is to protect her from hurt/harm, sin, and all the consequences that come from each.  But sin is redeemable, harm is part of life and consequences teach us more in a few minutes than a thousand lectures ever will.  So as she launches out, my prayers go with her always.  My heart goes with her. But most of all, my heavenly Father goes with her.  That is where I get my greatest comfort.

Why is it parents desperately desire for their children to walk obediently?  Not because we do not want them to have fun.  Parents know the obedient path is always the better path.  Parents want obedience also because we have invested much of our time and effort in providing opportunities for our children's success, whether in sports, education or music etc.  We  invest time and or money in hopes that the endeavor will be worth it in the end to open up opportunities for their future.  We have laid the ground work for them to be successful.  Our fear is that the football player will no longer want to play, the straight A student decides not to go to college, or the musician burns out.

When opportunities to be successful get tossed aside, the investment is called into question.  We can set our children up for success, we can provide them with the opportunity, but in the end it will be up to them to either take advantage of it, or not. We all hope they will take full advantage of them all.  But no matter what, one way or another, they will fly.

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