If you have
ever felt the touch of the Holy Spirit, you know what I mean. I have been
slightly heavy hearted by many things. I see pain around me, I see sin, I see
the decay of creation, and all of it saddens me. I think on the reality that
with life comes pain in many versions. I see both believers and
non-believers all suffering in the same ways.
Truth is, no one is
immune. There is no guarantee that we will forego the suffering of this world
because we have received eternal life in Christ Jesus. What sort of ministry
could we offer the suffering world, if we never experience it. But we have the assurance of knowing that God will be with us, and that according to scripture what the enemy intended to harm or destroy us, God can use it to mature us and reveal His glory in and through us.
Honestly, my
greatest times of maturity and seasoning has come amidst struggle, strife and
suffering. Trials become like an olive press that squeezes out the best in us
all. Studies show that in times of difficulty, people are kinder, reach out to
one another and tend to be the best of themselves.
As I think over this
very real fact, I am staring at the reality of my oldest daughter leaving to
head off to college in the fall. I constantly am aware of my longing for her to
embrace my God as her own God. I long for her to know Him as I do, I want her to desire Him as I do and I ache for her to be matured by Him. I long for her to cling to His word, seek His counsel
and embrace His precepts. I want her to have the relationship I have with Him and then some. Then I think on all that I have gone through, and the pain I have experienced that
brought me to this place. I stupidly longed for her not to go through any of the pain. Can she know Him as I do without the suffering? Do I long for her to know
Him enough to desire that she suffer in order to know Him deeply? That is a message that
will never gain in popularity. But isn't it grounded in truth? The suffering of this world cannot compare to the all surpassing glory of knowing HIM!
Again, there is a way
that SEEMS right to man, but it leads to destruction. Then God's way is what is
best. It is not a list of do's and don'ts, but it is a way to live life in victory. A
way that will lead to restoration, rejuvenation, revival, renewal and
I long for my children to
embrace His ways by faith, but I live with the knowledge listed above. There is
a way that SEEMS right to man, but there is a way that IS right. It is faith in
Jesus Christ as our righteousness.

Yes, much of the last
paragraph is a combination of my memory verses for the year so far. I am working on truly
memorizing the word, and it is really becoming a part of me. The Word is become alive
and active through me.
Although I have studied the Word for years and even tried to memorize for years, this year I have been able to actually find a way to memorize that is working for me. Thanks to the Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2015, I have found a way that works for me. Because it is only one verse that I pick to memorize, and I have two weeks to learn it, I have finally been able to do it. Like eating an elephant; one bite at a time.
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