Let's take a look at prayer as a way to mature in our walk with God.
Prayer is simply a two-way conversation with God. Maybe that is too simplistic, but it is the way I approach it. Too often, we feel inadequate to pray but just think who wins if we believe that. We may feel we do not have the flowery words to say or speak eloquently, but that leaves us in good company with the likes of Moses. However, all of us can pray. If we have anything at all to say, we can say it to our Father in heaven.
We are not bothering Him... He is longing for us to talk to Him, and He has much to say to us if we will listen.
Honestly, if we want to grow up into our salvation, we need to be conversing regularly with the Father. We need to seek His will for our lives, our direction and our correction. We need to be in open dialogue with God.
I believe we were created to be in a relationship with our creator. I believe when we accept by faith the very idea that Jesus paid the penalty for our sinfulness which kept us from being in connection with God, the Holy Spirit comes alive within us. That is where we meet with God.
I believe prayer is a time of us talking with Him about our cares, concerns, excitements, basically sharing our thoughts with Him. In our earthly relationships, we get to know one another by spending time together. We connect with one another when we share our lives through conversation, and we connect with God in the same manner.
Remember also that prayer is a two-way conversation as well. I believe we all will benefit from allowing God time to speak back to us. We can listen as we sit still and know that He is God. As we read scripture, we can allow Him to communicate to us. It is always a good idea to find scripture to pray to Him as well. For example, I pray the Lord's Prayer piece by piece, and it helps me focus my prayer. Or take a look at the following scriptures:
Psalms 26:2 Test me, Oh Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.
Psalms 193:23 Search me, Oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.
Just as we have different types of conversations with one another, there are many types of prayers; petitions, thanksgiving, praise, requests, intersession...

Brick Building Section One-Maturity
Brick Building Section Two-Immaturity
Brick Building Section Three
Brick Building Section Four - Cooperating with the Holy Spirit