Friday, May 12, 2017

Humble in Transition

Have you ever noticed that you can always count on change?  Some people embrace change and even look forward to new and fresh.  However, there are those who do not like change and even dread it.  Whether you want it to come or not, change is coming. 

Sunday, we looked at Proverbs 3:1-8 where our youth pastor, Byron, showed us there are a few principles for us to help us deal with our transition in a healthy way.  The scripture reminds us to not forget what we have learned and to hold to the truth. Byron even went on to say that we need to bind it to us. We are to trust God with all that we are.  We are to put God first.  In doing that, He will lead and guide us if we will let him.

To put God first, we need to be humble which was the last principle Byron mentioned.  Our wisdom is usually the thing that gets us into trouble.  As we learn to lean on God, lean on His wisdom, we begin to see His way, His will and maybe get a glimpse of His plan.  But let’s face it, that is not easy.  I have found the biggest obstacle of walking upright with my Lord is getting over myself.  Crucifying my flesh is so difficult.  There is a way that seems right to me, but it leads to death and destruction.  If I go through a season of change and grow weary, tired, feel forgotten or betrayed, it is possible I am not humbling myself, and I am leaning on my own understanding. 

All the self-centered wisdom, way and plan is just plain and simple pride.  To deny myself, I must be God-centered instead. We don’t want to be prideful, remember scripture says pride goes before destruction or a fall.

To be humble it is helpful to keep an accurate assessment of self and God.  Scripture says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. If we are convinced that God is our creator and that He knows all things, then He should rightfully hold a place in our lives as supreme authority and knowledge/wisdom.  When we lean on our own understanding we are far from humble, and we are sending a message to God that we know better than he does on our situation. 

Whether you are going into, in the midst of, or coming out of a time of transition remember to make an accurate assessment of self and God.  Seek Him for His will, wisdom and plan. He will direct you through this transition and prove to be faithful, reliable and true. 

Pray for God to help you today in these areas:
  • ·        See God more clearly, and seek Him for His wisdom
  • ·        Lay down your pride and choose to humble yourself

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