After watching a post by Max Lucado regarding the most important part of prayer, I was touched and moved, even inspired. He was talking about the start of our prayer where we say "Our Father". He is our Father, our daddy! Jesus said Abba when He prayed the Lord's Prayer. Look at the reference from BibleHub/Strong's Concordance: Abbá – "Father," also used as the term of tender endearment by a beloved child – i.e. in an affectionate, dependent relationship with their father; "daddy," "papa." Also see the following video that is such an inspiration: Whose Your Daddy by Priscilla Shirer. (Thanks Donna for the reminder)
This is what captured my attention. I have been focusing on and praising God as creator, healer, redeemer and many other things, but today I was captured by the fact that He is my Father. I have a Father in heaven with whom I can be in an affectionate, dependent relationship.
It struck me the more I pondered this that He wants this intimate parent-child relationship with me. He created me, and He has a design and plan for me life. With that in mind, I began thinking "why would I ever resist Him?" He desires to be in a close, dependent relationship with ME! He knows what I need because He designed me, and He knows the plan for me. He doesn't want to harm me. He can also see in the heavenly realm that I cannot see. So His leading, His instructions and His plans are the best for me.

Why do we resist Him? I believe it is because we start listening and believing the lies from the enemy instead of believing, listening and following our Abba, Father- Our heavenly Daddy!
I hope this encourages you all today.
Hope you have a blessed weekend.
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