Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What is Truth

I wrote this March 2019...  

In the last few months I have been working through a bible study entitled "Living in Truth".  I am not finished but it is a really good study of how to talk about truth.  How to share the truth with others.  It along with lots of videos from RZIM have really been helping me sort through what it is I believe to be truth.

I believe we can walk through life never analyzing what we believe and never challenging the basis of why we believe it.  I have even watched while people With good intentions make decisions based on emotions and assumptions and call it an educated decision.

Why?  I wonder if we have elevated our emotions to sit alongside the counsel of facts to advise our decisions.  Is it possible that we have abandoned deep study of facts for a hyperemotional supercharged way of evaluating our environment?

What is truth?

We need to ask ourselves this question.  I ponder this with a deep counsel from the Word of God as I do with all of my study.  I do this because I believe that the God of the universe created me and my surroundings.  I do this based on that which I can observe, that which I have studied and because it takes less faith to believe this as opposed to the evidence that a huge random act of chaos created such entricate details and organization and order. where in creation do you see evidence that chaos creates order?

While science is a fascinating form of study, it is not complete with all the answers.  Science has to make a few assumptions and hypotheses just as Christianity is doing.  I believe science has been an amazing field which when we take that which another has worked a lifetime to establish, we can study and build on what they determined.  However, you have to consider the fact that in order to make a scientific evaluation, you have to be able to also make a few assumptions.

Science is fascinating.  However, there are areas in life that go beyond our ability to apply science.     

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